I Pledge for Green 🌱

At Essenqo, we believe in taking small but impactful steps toward a greener, healthier planet. That’s why we’ve introduced our "I Pledge for Green" initiative.

With every order you place, we make a commitment to contribute to the environment by sending you either seeds or seed balls. These simple, eco-friendly gifts allow you to take part in building a greener future.

How It Works

  1. Seeds for Planting

Every seed packet comes with easy-to-follow instructions, so you can plant them in your garden, balcony, or any patch of soil you love. Watch them grow and enjoy the joy of nurturing life!

  1. Seed Balls for Easy Planting

Not much of a gardener? No problem! Just toss the seed balls in an open soil area, and nature will take care of the rest. These ready-to-grow seed balls are designed to thrive in natural conditions with minimal effort.

Why Choose Us?

When you shop with us, you’re not just buying a product—you’re investing in the planet. By participating in this initiative, you help:

  • Reduce Carbon Footprint: Trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide, helping fight climate change.
  • Support Biodiversity: Planting seeds helps attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
  • Beautify Your Community: Add a touch of green to your surroundings.

Take the Green Pledge Today

Join us in making a difference! With every purchase, you become part of a growing community of environmentally conscious individuals. Together, we can create a cleaner, greener, and healthier world.

So, the next time you receive seeds or seed balls with your order, know that you’re holding more than a gift—you’re holding the future of our planet.

Let’s grow together. 🌿

I pledge for green. Do you?

Share Your Green Journey

We’d love to see how you’re making a difference! Tag us with your planted seeds or seed ball journeys on social media using #IPledgeForGreen. Let’s inspire others to join the movement!